Search Ads: keywords should be sorted descending by default

Number:rdar://29481974 Date Originated:02-Dec-2016 06:11 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:Other Product Version:n/a
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
In the "Manage your keywords" page of when changing the sort criterion by tapping on a column title such as "Impression", "Taps" etc., it sorts in ascending order by default. This is almost always not what I want. In a typical use case there are many keywords that have 0 impressions. The user is usually not interested in these but in the keywords that do produce impressions, taps, conversions etc. 

I always have to click twice in order to get meaningful results.

So when changing the sort column, please sort in *descending* order by default.


My response

Maybe I wasn't clear: All that I'm suggesting is that you sort number columns such as taps, impressions, cost in descending order by default. So that keywords with 100 impressions are sorted before keywords with only 80 impressions. Simple as that. When clicking the column title again, you could switch to ascending search order.

Your response explaining Search Match and low volume terms has nothing to do with that simple suggestion.

So why did you close the radar? Do you consider my suggestion not useful?

Apple Response

Engineering has provided the following information regarding this issue:

Since your ad group(s) have the Search Match feature enabled, you will have delivery from search terms that are matched by both the Search Match feature and the keywords you have elected to target. Please refer to the ‘Search Terms’ tab within your ad group view to see all of your ad group’s delivery. The ’Keyword’ tab will only show you partial delivery as it isolates search terms that are only matched by your keywords targeted.

The Search Terms tab includes data for search terms matched by Search Match and your bidded keywords. Where a report returns a value of ‘low volume terms’ it means the data you're requesting is below Apple’s privacy threshold. For example, search terms must reach at least 10 impressions before the actual search term is revealed.

Please note: Reports posted here will not necessarily be seen by Apple. All problems should be submitted at before they are posted here. Please only post information for Radars that you have filed yourself, and please do not include Apple confidential information in your posts. Thank you!