Xcode Editor Menu -> Structure -> Add Documentation is inconsistent with Apple and other developer documentation best practices.

Number:rdar://31779594 Date Originated:23-Apr-2017 07:22 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:XCode 8 and above
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Always
When adding automatic documentation to Swift code the documentation is generated with documentation markup triple slash format instead of block documentation comment format.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a Swift file in Xcode and add a function such as `func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int`
2. Click the menu option Editor -> Structure -> Add Documentation

Expected Results:
Documentation is produced in block comment format as shown in the markup formatting reference https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Xcode/Reference/xcode_markup_formatting_ref/AddingMarkup.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40016497-CH100-SW1:

          - parameter tableView: <#tableView description#>
          - returns: <#return value description#>

Actual Results:
Documentation is produced in triple slash format like so:
    /// <#Description#>
    /// - Parameter tableView: <#tableView description#>
    /// - Returns: <#return value description#>

XCode 8 and above

I believe the best solution to this is a configurable option either at the xcodeproj, xcuserdata, or Xcode Preferences level which specifies how the "Add Documentation" output should be formatted.




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