Swift 4 Encodable doesn't work with protocols

Number:rdar://33866425 Date Originated:Aug 13 2017
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:Xcode 9 b5 9M202q
Classification:It's serious man Reproducible:Always
If you have  a struct adopt Encodable, and one of it's properties has a protocol type (which supports Encodable), the swift compiler will complain that the protocol does not support Encodable.

Steps to Reproduce:
Write this amazing code into a playground in Xcode 8 b5:

import Foundation

protocol FooProtocol : Encodable {
    var foo: String { get }

struct Bar : Encodable {
    var bar: FooProtocol

Expected Results:
Successful compilation

Observed Results:
Playground execution failed:

error: EncodablePlayground.playground:1:8: error: type 'Bar' does not conform to protocol 'Encodable'
struct Bar : Encodable {

EncodablePlayground.playground:2:9: note: cannot automatically synthesize 'Encodable' because 'FooProtocol' does not conform to 'Encodable'
    var bar: FooProtocol


Further, explicitly adding a concrete encode function to the protocol does not help. The following also fails:

import Foundation

protocol SomeBanana : Encodable { var oops: String { get } } struct B2 : SomeBanana { var oops: String { return "After you B1" } } struct B1 : SomeBanana { var oops: String { return "After you B2" } } extension SomeBanana { func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container = encoder.singleValueContainer() try container.encode(oops) } }

struct StripedPyjamas : Encodable { var wornBy: SomeBanana }

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