Publicize _hidesShadow and _shadowAlpha on UINavigationBar

Number:rdar://35051245 Date Originated:October 18 2017, 3:22 PM
Status:Open Resolved:No
Product:UIKit Product Version:iOS 11.1
Classification:Suggestion Reproducible:Always

Two private properties: _hidesShadow and _shadowAlpha exist on UINavigationBar and work to control the border/shadow visible at the bottom of the UINavigationBar.

Both of these properties work perfectly (with the exception of _shadowAlpha in certain circumstances due to radar://35051117) and would be extremely helpful for developers looking to customise the look of their application further.

I suggest that these properties are publicized so that the "hack" of setting the backgroundImage and shadowImage of the UINavigationBar to a blank image no longer be necessary on most occasions. A shadowTint property would also be a nice addition.


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