iPad Pro 12" 3rd Gen incorrect split-view column layout in portrait when multi-tasking

Number:rdar://45875942 Date Originated:7/11/2018
Status:Open Resolved:No
Product:iOS SDK UIKit Product Version:12.1
Classification:Other Bug Reproducible:Always

In the new iPad iPad Pro 12" 3rd Gen simulator, when using the default master-detail template, the column layout is wrong in this situation. When in portrait, and another app is on the right in multi-tasking, the app should show the secondary controller (detail view) in the full window, with the display mode as overlay for the primary controller. As it does on the 2nd Gen version of the simulator. Currently the 3rd Gen simulator is showing both columns, and the detail is too narrow (see attached screenshot with filename "iPad Pro 12 3rd Gen with bug.png"). I have included iPad Pro 12 2nd Gen.png to show the expected behaviour. 

If you'd like me to look into the reason why further I can, but just now I'd guess the problem is to do with the 3rd Gen having a slightly different screen resolution to the 2nd Gen and perhaps something to do with the layout is hard-coded.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run Xcode 10.1
2. Creat master-detail app
3. Launch in iPad Pro 12" 3rd Gen Simulator
4. Rotate to portrait
5. Swipe up slightly from the bottom drag the Messages icon into the right column.

Expected Results:
The detail controller should fill the screen

Actual Results:
The master and detail columns can be viewed.




iPad Pro 12 3rd Gen with bug.png

iPad Pro 12 2nd Gen.png



November 12 2018, 5:36 PM The Mail app will have custom split view handling, in particular to support 3 column view. In my "steps to reproduce" I mentioned to use Xcode and create a master-detail template app so I find it strange to be asked to supply a sample project but here is one anyway. Please open it then follow from Step 3 above, thanks. I've included another screenshot of me running this project just now.

By indiekiduk at Nov. 12, 2018, 6:03 p.m. (reply...)

Apple Developer Relations

November 9 2018, 4:24 PM Engineering has provided the following information regarding this issue: We’re not able to reproduce this on iOS 12.1 with e.g. Mail app on portrait mode. Would you like to share the sample project in the screenshot so we can look into this?

By indiekiduk at Nov. 12, 2018, 6:03 p.m. (reply...)

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