Push notification system prompts do not get translated on iOS simulator

Number:rdar://FB10976160 Date Originated:2022-08-01
Status:Close Resolved:Close
Product:iOS simulator Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:yes
## The problem
When an iPhone app asks for push notifications by system prompt, I believe it should be translated based on the device language. However, when it comes to an iOS simulator, it is always in English. 

## Procedures 
1. Run `xcrun simctl create 'iPhone 12' 'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-12' 'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-15-5'` 
2. Manually launch the simulator. 
3. Change the simulator’s language and locale to Japanese and Japan, respectively (manually by Settings.app) 
4. Install an arbitrary iPhone app which shows push notification system prompt (manually by dragging and dropping an AUT) 
5. Show a push notification system prompt 

Then I expected a Japanese system prompt, but an English one appeared 

## My environment
- macOS: 12.4 
- Xcode: 13.4.1 
- xcrun: 61 
- simctl: PROJECT:CoreSimulator-802.6.1 
- iOS: 15.5 
- device: iPhone 12 simulator


Confirmed the fix on iOS Simulator 16.0 with the following environment - macOS: 13.3 (BuildVersion: 22E252) - Xcode: 14.3 (Build version 14E222b) - xcrun: 64 - simctl: PROJECT:CoreSimulator-885.2 - iOS: 16.0 - device: iPhone 12 simulator

As for iOS 15.5, the phenomenon still persists. I'd like to close this issue once

By mwakizaka0108 at April 4, 2023, 1:07 a.m. (reply...)

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