VoiceOver narrates "selected false" for DOM with role=option and no aria-selected attribute

Number:rdar://FB8050959 Date Originated:September 29, 2020
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:VoiceOver Product Version:iOS 14.0
Classification: Reproducible:yes
Listbox role can own option role. According to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/listbox_role, if an option is not selectable, omit the aria-selected.

However VoiceOver still narrates 'selected false' for DOM with role=option and no aria-selected attribute.

Example to reproduce:
1. With VoiceOver on, Navigate to my example in Chrome: https://0udrb.csb.app/
This is how I created my example, for reference:
    1.1 Copy the HTML from Aria-example https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-wai-aria-practices-1.1-20170628/examples/listbox/listbox.html, under 'HTML Source Code' - 'Example 1: Single-Select Listbox'
    1.2 Create a webpage using the copied code. Remove the 'aria-selected' attribute from the first 'li' node
2. Navigate to the first 'li' node, VoiceOver narrates 'Leather seats not selected', even though it does not have 'aria-selected' attribute


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