WKWebView should have a method to send messages from native to JS

Number:rdar://17207002 Date Originated:2014-06-06
Status:Duplicate of 17152685 Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:iOS 8, beta 1 (12a4265u)
Classification: Reproducible:
WKWebView supports "- addScriptMessageHandler:name:" on the WKUserContentController which allows creating a communication channel that allows sending messages from JS to the native side.

As far as I can tell, there's no method for doing the reverse: sending messages from native to JS. This would be useful for causing navigations or other changes in a web page in response to pressing a native button (for instance).

(See also http://stackoverflow.com/q/24049343/49485.)

WKWebViewPrivate has _runJavaScriptInMainFrame: which sounds like it provides the appropriate function, but it isn't documented or supported. Can this method be publicized or a similar one added?



Fixed in iOS 8 beta 3

Not in docs, but in the public header: evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler:

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