WWDC videos should be organized as iTunes U courses

Number:rdar://11716509 Date Originated:June 21st, 2012
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Other Product Version:n/a
Classification:Feature (New) Reproducible:always
There are currently 2 ways to consume WWDC videos: 1) on the developer website 2) after login on the developer site in a special hidden iTunes section.

Last year Apple introduced a separate iTunes U app on iPad which has the ability to group together videos and materials in "courses". The main advantage of this is that this tracks which videos you have watched/studied and it provides this without having to download the videos. 

You can watch a video streamed but this would still keep track of the viewing progress there. Or you can download a video for offline viewing.

This suggestion is to create one iTunes U course per section in the developer videos and allow registered developers to subscribe to these courses in the iTunes U app on iPad.

This would be of tremendous benefit to developers because at present the only way you can track which videos you have watched is to download all of them into iTunes and use the viewed-tracking there. 

Additionally the PDFs of the slides would be also included as course materials. This would be a great way to show off the capabilities of the iTunes U app while making it much easier for developers to consume.



I was hopping to find them in the iTunes U ... This would be so great


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