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Open Radar 10257191: NSPipe/NSFileHandle file descriptors never freed

Sourcetree still broken...

Using Sourcetree 4.2.8 on macOS Sonoma 14.5. I see the error repeatedly.

By cngarrison at July 15, 2024, 6:34 a.m.

Open Radar FB9809866: Dell U3219Q does not detect after macOS 12.1 update

Apologies for the delay, this issue has been resolved and can be closed.

By brendan at July 12, 2024, 9:44 p.m.

Open Radar FB12078831: Presentation of popover, confirmationDialog, sheet and fullScreenCover are all broken

5th July 2024

I see in the 17.4 release notes this was fixed, I will close this issue now. Please could you double check this fix made it into iOS 18 because I see strange issues with alert in beta 2 FB14155015 Resolved Issues * Fixed: Resolved an issue with programmatically present an alert or sheet simultaneously with dismissing another sheet. The new alert or sheet would not show but now it will. If you have code that presents the same sheet programmatically from multiple places in your view hierarchy at the same time, that sheet might no longer appear. Make sure that any sheet modifiers that are in the view hierarchy at the same time use distinct isPresented or item bindings. (117475214)

By indiekiduk at July 5, 2024, 9:52 a.m.

Open Radar FB12078831: Presentation of popover, confirmationDialog, sheet and fullScreenCover are all broken

1st April 2024

This seems fixed when I tested it on 17.4. Please could you let me know if that is correct and it would be helpful to know which minor version of 17 it was fixed in. Thanks

By indiekiduk at July 5, 2024, 9:46 a.m.

Open Radar FB13408892: SwiftData crashes when fetching certain types of enum cases


Please verify this issue with iOS 18 beta and update your bug report with your results by logging into or by using the Feedback Assistant app.

iOS 18 beta (Build: 22A5282m)

If the issue persists, please attach a new sysdiagnose captured in the latest build and attach it to the bug report.

iOS sysdiagnose Instructions:

If this is no longer an issue you can close this feedback by selecting “Close Feedback” via the Actions button in Feedback Assistant.

For a complete list of logging instructions visit:

By at June 17, 2024, 11:28 p.m.

Open Radar FB13445046: Cascade delete does not work


We were not reproducing this behavior on iOS 18.

Please verify this issue with iOS 18 Beta and update your bug report with your results by logging into or by using the Feedback Assistant app.

iOS 18 Beta (Build: 22A5282m) Posted Date: June 10, 2024

If resolved, you can close your feedback by choosing the Close Feedback menu item in the Actions pop-up in Feedback Assistant.

If the issue persists, please attach a new sysdiagnose captured in the latest build and attach it to the bug report. Thank you.

iOS sysdiagnose Instructions:

For a complete list of logging instructions, visit:

By at June 17, 2024, 11:27 p.m.

Open Radar FB11942354: ld64 inserts 4096 nop instructions in __text section between symbols

With the latest Xcode 16 beta I get the following output now:

% bash helloworld-unaligned-ptrs.o

  • ld -version_details | jq .version


  • xcodebuild -version

Xcode 16.0

Build version 16A5171c

++ xcode-select -p

  • XCODE_HOME=/Applications/

++ pwd

++ pwd

  • ld -demangle -lto_library /Applications/ -dynamic -arch x86_64 -platform_version macos 13.0.0 13.1 -syslibroot /Applications/ -o helloworld-unaligned-ptrs.o.binary -L/private/tmp/d08fa92c3d3193ef8f994d93ec3f7227 -L/usr/local/lib -U _darwin_check_fd_set_overflow -no_compact_unwind -exported_symbols_list /private/tmp/d08fa92c3d3193ef8f994d93ec3f7227/exported_symbols.list helloworld-unaligned-ptrs.o liblibchelper.a libdarwin.a libjvm.a libnet.a libnio.a libjava.a libfdlibm.a -ldl -lpthread -framework Foundation -lz -lSystem /Applications/ /Applications/

ld: warning: no platform load command found in '/private/tmp/d08fa92c3d3193ef8f994d93ec3f7227/helloworld-unaligned-ptrs.o', assuming: macOS

ld: warning: disabling chained fixups because of unaligned pointers

ld: illegal text-relocation in '___text'+0x110258 (/private/tmp/d08fa92c3d3193ef8f994d93ec3f7227/helloworld-unaligned-ptrs.o) to '_JavaVMOperation_setQueuingThread_48eaaa57f9b892acb92c7cf8b4ac18c6832bd402'

The linker got more strict and doesn’t allow relocations for movabs anymore. Which I think is fine, according to the reloc.h headers that shouldn’t be possible anyways. It doesn’t exactly fix the issue, but just forces us to find another solution. Which we already have: instead of having a movabs $full_addr instruction, we do PC relative addressing and emit an (valid) relocation for that.

Open Radar FB11942354: ld64 inserts 4096 nop instructions in __text section between symbols

Apple Feedback

Please verify this issue with Xcode 16 Beta and update your bug report with your results by logging into or by using the Feedback Assistant app.

Xcode 16 Beta (16A5171c) Posted Date: June 10, 2024

If resolved, you can close your feedback by choosing the Close Feedback menu item in the Actions pop-up in Feedback Assistant.

If the issue persists, please attach a new sysdiagnose captured in the latest build and attach it to the bug report. Thank you.

Xcode Sysdiagnose for macOS Instructions:

Simulator Diagnose for macOS Instructions:

Open Radar FB11942354: ld64 inserts 4096 nop instructions in __text section between symbols

Please retry your linker invocation with “helloworld-unaligned-ptrs.o” to reproduce the 4k NOPs symptom.

With “helloworld-aligned-ptrs.o” there are no NOPs inserted indeed, however the resulting binary segfaults in dyld.

Open Radar FB11942354: ld64 inserts 4096 nop instructions in __text section between symbols

Apple Feedback

Please know that we're unable to reproduce the mis-link:

[/tmp/a]> /Applications/ -dynamic -arch x86_64 -platform_version macos 13.0.0 13.1 -syslibroot /Applications/ -o a.binary -L. -U _darwin_check_fd_set_overflow -no_compact_unwind helloworld-aligned-ptrs.o liblibchelper.a libdarwin.a libjvm.a libnet.a libnio.a libjava.a libfdlibm.a -framework Foundation -lz -lSystem

[/tmp/a]> otool -lv a.binary|grep -A8 LC_BUILD


cmdsize 32

platform MACOS

minos 13.0

  sdk 13.1

ntools 1

 tool LD

version 820.1

Load command 12

[/tmp/a]> nm -nm a.binary| grep Character.toUpper

0000000100154520 (TEXT,text) non-external CharactertoUpperCase_32e6350ee20942d333d8e148b79c97eea2676c03

0000000100154760 (TEXT,text) non-external CharactertoUpperCaseCharArray_d3bece676e84f7b3101e5e3b92b8791bafb5cb4e

0000000100154cb0 (TEXT,text) non-external CharactertoUpperCaseEx_5e336fa9cb982976a8ba6aaa89c54c23324f695a


There was no 4K of NOPs inserted. But these address are slightly different than in the github readme.

The linker does break up sections at each symbol into "atoms", each with their own alignment requirements. They do during layout if the next atom's layout requirement means the next address won't work, the linker inserts padding until the address will work. For _text section for x8664, the linker inserts NOP bytes. For all other sections, it inserts zeros.

Open Radar 45024092: INPreferences.siriAuthorizationStatus cannot be modified after it is initially set

As per API the result of the call to should be recalled and block execution when it's "denied" but it seems to be ignored.

Cautious developers would check for the value of the "INSiriAuthorizationStatus" and block feature access but that would instead lead to a deadlock as no toggles on Settings-> App -> Siri would trigger a user prompt for authorisation (as suggested by docs)

No documented changes on API I could find on the iOS releases notes > 11.0

By jaime.agudo.lopez at May 24, 2024, 3:32 p.m.

Open Radar 39961709: mapping modifier keys swaps left and right

Looks like it was fixed in macOS Ventura

By fwvdijk at May 21, 2024, 2:23 p.m.

Open Radar FB13754641: Quicklook operation for a single VCF (contact) file requires access to entire Contacts database even though technically not necessary

Apple feedback

Just got a note from Apple that this is now being look into. No confirmation that they can reproduce it, yet.

By tempelmann at May 20, 2024, 7:54 p.m.