UIVisualEffectView in Storyboards (and Xcode Object Library)

Number:rdar://17742263 Date Originated:July 20, 2014
Status:Duplicate of 16175556 (Closed) Resolved:12-Aug-2014 00:01 AM
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:iOS 8 Seeds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Classification:3 - Medium Reproducible:Always
The new UIVisualEffectView should be available for initialization and customization in Storyboards. Additionally, it should be available in the Xcode Objects Library. This would allow developers to drag and drop a UIVisualEffectView (just like any other UIView or UIKit-Element) onto a UIViewController from the Xcode Objects Library. After adding a UIVisualEffectView it should be customizable using the Attributes Inspector (like any other UIView).

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open the attached Xcode Project and run it on any simulator or device.
2. A large solid grey box will appear at the bottom of the screen (this is supposed to be a blurred UIVisualEffectView).
3. The code in ViewController.m attempts to setup the UIVisualEffectView which was added to the Storyboard (Main.storyboard).
4. Any attempts to generate a UIVisualEffectView from a Storyboard fail.

Expected Results:
UIVisualEffectViews can be created and customized in Interface Builder / Storyboards. At the very least, they should support Storyboard-initialization (via initWithCoder: or some other system). The optimal solution would be a UIVisualEffectView available in the Xcode Objects Library.

Actual Results:
UIVisualEffectViews can only be created programmatically (in code). They fail to work in any way when added through the interface.

iOS 8, Seed 3

All devices

'Blur Test.zip' was successfully uploaded.


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