Swift: `respondsToSelector:` always returns `false` when used with generic class

Number:rdar://19343048 Date Originated:24/12/2014
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:iOS 8.1.1, Xcode 6.1.1
Classification: Reproducible:Always
`respondsToSelector` doesn't work with generic classes. Since it seems like UIKit uses `respondsToSelector` internally this can cause crashes when using generic classes in combination with `UIViewController`s or `UITableViewDataSource`.

Steps to Reproduce:
// with Generics
public class ArrayDataSource<T>: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource { ... }

var ds = ArrayDataSource<String>()
ds.respondsToSelector("tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:") // false

// without Generics
public class ArrayDataSource2: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource { ... }

var ds2 = ArrayDataSource2()
ds2.respondsToSelector("tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:") // true

Expected Results:
`respondsToSelector:` should do its job

Actual Results:
It just doesn't work, which will also lead to crashes since `respondToSelector:` seems to be used in multiple frameworks. So when you use generic classes with for example UITableView it will lead to an crash.

iOS 8.1.1, Xcode 6.1.1

This issue got found when having troubles with UITableViewDataSource implemented as generic class. See the following StackOverflow question for more details: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27483560/nsinvalidargumentexception-when-putting-uitableviewdatasource-in-its-own-class/27638112#27638112

Seems to be any configuration, tested on iPhone 5 and the Simulator



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