API needed: UTTypeCopyAllTagsWithClass

Number:rdar://11384153 Date Originated:04-May-2012
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Mac OS X SDK Product Version:10.7
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:n/a
Web browsers have a need to get all extensions associated with a MIME type. UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass gets you the preferred extension, but there's no API to get _all_ tags for a particular identifier.

Existing web browsers thus use SPI for this. Safari, in WebKitSystemInterface, wraps [[NSURLFileTypeMappings sharedMappings] extensionsForMIMEType:]. Mozilla's Firefox directly uses it. I'm working on Chrome, and I've come to the unfortunate realization that I will need to use that SPI too, and that makes me sad.

Please provide me an API so that I can ask for all the tags for a given identifier. Please give me UTTypeCopyAllTagsWithClass. Please give us web browser makers the APIs we need.


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