
Number:rdar://13813516 Date Originated:05-May-2013 10:50 PM
Status:Behaves Correctly Resolved:13-May-2013 09:21 AM
Product:OS X Product Version:10.8.3
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Always
05-May-2013 10:50 PM Joshua May:
Using IB to create an interface, and then assigning a font via code (though even in IB results in the same behaviour) will cause a baseline issue depending if "Uses single line mode" is enabled

http://cl.ly/image/0Q2z1x3g0v0A "Uses single line mode" is enabled
http://cl.ly/image/0X0R0i2u2s00 "Uses single line mode" is DISabled

Steps to Reproduce:

 - create XIB
 - add NSTextField
 - add text with tall ascenders (to see issue more clearly)
 - set to any font family, size 21 (or greater to see issue more clearly)
 - toggle "Uses Single Line Mode" to see text jump baseline in IB (and when app is executed)

For completeness, this is my properties inspector: http://cl.ly/image/2n473v0P1y38

Expected Results:

Text should be visible always

Actual Results:

Tops of tall characters are hidden when "Uses single line mode" is enabled


Xcode 4.6.2
OS X 10.8.3


13-May-2013 09:21 AM Apple Developer Bug Reporting Team :

Thanks very much for the feedback.

Engineering has determined that this issue behaves as intended based on the following information:

This behaves correctly according to the documentation for NSCell:

Cells in the single line mode use the fixed baseline layout. The text baseline position is determined solely by the control size regardless of content font style or size.

If you have questions regarding the resolution of this issue, please update your bug report with them.

We are now closing this bug report.

Please be sure to regularly check new Apple releases for any updates that might affect this issue.

Please note: Reports posted here will not necessarily be seen by Apple. All problems should be submitted at bugreport.apple.com before they are posted here. Please only post information for Radars that you have filed yourself, and please do not include Apple confidential information in your posts. Thank you!