Arabic text crashes in UITextView when line wrapped.

Number:rdar://15544314 Date Originated:24 November 2013
Status:Closed Resolved:03-Jun-2014
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:7.1
Classification:Crash Reproducible:Always
Creating an attributed string with a long string of arabic text and setting a paragraph style on it will crash when assigned to  UITextView's attributedString

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a string: @"حلقتنا مدحوشة ننتندو اليوم، نسير معهم على Wind Waker HD و The Wonderful 101 ورأي عام على الجهاز بعد شوية وقت معه، عصام ياخذنا للمحكمة مع Ace Attorney: Duale Destinies للعدس ويزيد والداوود مع رحلة في صميم الطفولة ويّا Pokemon X & Y.";

2. Give it a paragraph style with NSTextAlignmentJustified (there are other combinations of styles that cause the crash, this is just the easiest to reproduce. I suspect the issue occurs when the text view breaks the line on a particular glyph)

3. Set it to a UITextView that is on the screen.

Expected Results:
The text should be rendered.

Actual Results:
The app crashes with this backtrace:

* thread #1: tid = 0x489055, 0x058b68c4 UIFoundation`_NSGlyphTreeGetCGGlyphsInRange + 1303, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x8)
    frame #0: 0x058b68c4 UIFoundation`_NSGlyphTreeGetCGGlyphsInRange + 1303
    frame #1: 0x058fa7b7 UIFoundation`-[NSLayoutManager getGlyphsInRange:glyphs:properties:characterIndexes:bidiLevels:] + 82
    frame #2: 0x0593348b UIFoundation`-[NSTypesetter getGlyphsInRange:glyphs:properties:characterIndexes:bidiLevels:] + 118
    frame #3: 0x058ddb6e UIFoundation`-[NSATSLineFragment saveWithGlyphOrigin:] + 5232
    frame #4: 0x058d1d2b UIFoundation`-[NSATSTypesetter _layoutLineFragmentStartingWithGlyphAtIndex:characterIndex:atPoint:renderingContext:] + 5992
    frame #5: 0x058d26d6 UIFoundation`-[NSATSTypesetter layoutParagraphAtPoint:] + 163
    frame #6: 0x059318c5 UIFoundation`-[NSTypesetter _layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager:startingAtGlyphIndex:maxNumberOfLineFragments:maxCharacterIndex:nextGlyphIndex:nextCharacterIndex:] + 4461
    frame #7: 0x05932e6f UIFoundation`-[NSTypesetter layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:] + 259
    frame #8: 0x058d3161 UIFoundation`-[NSATSTypesetter layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:] + 513
    frame #9: 0x058bd40e UIFoundation`-[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate) _fillLayoutHoleForCharacterRange:desiredNumberOfLines:isSoft:] + 1266
    frame #10: 0x058c475e UIFoundation`_NSFastFillAllLayoutHolesForGlyphRange + 1632
    frame #11: 0x058f9bc2 UIFoundation`-[NSLayoutManager ensureLayoutForGlyphRange:] + 31
    frame #12: 0x011ffe13 UIKit`-[_UITextContainerView _ensureLayoutCompleteForRect:withExtensionFactor:minimumExtensionDistance:repetitions:] + 527
    frame #13: 0x011ffeaa UIKit`-[_UITextContainerView _ensureLayoutCompleteForRect:withExtension:] + 96
    frame #14: 0x011ff743 UIKit`__33-[_UITextContainerView drawRect:]_block_invoke + 118
    frame #15: 0x05921f18 UIFoundation`-[NSTextStorage coordinateReading:] + 51
    frame #16: 0x011ff69b UIKit`-[_UITextContainerView drawRect:] + 314
    frame #17: 0x00b79e56 UIKit`-[UIView(CALayerDelegate) drawLayer:inContext:] + 504
    frame #18: 0x008d0d19 QuartzCore`-[CALayer drawInContext:] + 123
    frame #19: 0x058f1d18 UIFoundation`-[_UITextTiledLayer drawDirtyLayer:intoContext:] + 171
    frame #20: 0x058f1bbb UIFoundation`-[_UITileLayer drawInContext:] + 64
    frame #21: 0x008d0c4a QuartzCore`backing_callback(CGContext*, void*) + 96
    frame #22: 0x007c092c QuartzCore`CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 2656
    frame #23: 0x008d0be2 QuartzCore`___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke + 93
    frame #24: 0x00904fbf QuartzCore`x_blame_allocations + 15
    frame #25: 0x008d0a4d QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display_() + 1519
    frame #26: 0x008d0c99 QuartzCore`-[CALayer _display] + 33
    frame #27: 0x008d0456 QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display() + 144
    frame #28: 0x008d0c73 QuartzCore`-[CALayer display] + 33

iOS 7.1, Xcode 5.1


Happens on simulator and on devices.

'' was successfully uploaded.


We believe this issue has been addressed. Please verify with iOS 8 beta (Build 12A4265u) release, and reply back with your results.

iOS 8 beta (Build 12A4265u) Posted Date: June 2, 2014

If this issue is still occurring, please include any relevant logs, and or a test case with your update.

Logging Instructions/Test Case Requirements:

By padraig.kennedy at July 31, 2014, 4:23 p.m. (reply...)

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