Swift - Allow adding functions with implementation to protocols

Number:rdar://17412469 Date Originated:2014-06-22
Status:Duplicate Resolved:2014-06-23
Product:Developer tools Product Version:
Classification:Feature (New) Reproducible:Always
We currently have a nice generic function 'contains' that works on anything that implements a Sequence: contains([1,2,3],1)
It would be nicer if I could write [1,2,3].contains(1). It is also more easily discoverable by a developer using code completion. Yet it would still be nice to keep the function generic, so it really belongs on the protocol itself. See also the default methods in Java 8 interfaces.

If you implement two protocols with a same default method signature, there should also be some syntax to choose the preferred implementation (or override it completely)


Duplicate of 14011860

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