NSURLSession should pass its additional headers to NSURLProtocol

Number:rdar://17809816 Date Originated:2014-09-30
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:8.0
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
When adding `HTTPAdditionalHeaders` to an `NSURLSession` and setting it up with an `NSURLProtocol`, the request seen by `NSURLProtocol` should contain all the HTTP headers, including the ones from HTTPAdditionalHeaders.

Steps to Reproduce:
See attached minimal project.

We configure an NSURLSession with an additional HTTP Header, and set it up with an NSURLProtocol. 

Expected Results:
In the protocol’s `startLoading` method, `self.request.allHTTPHeaderFields` should contain both the headers added to this specific request, and the additional headers setup on the session

Actual Results:
In iOS8, this isn't the case. Only the request-specific headers are present.

Xcode 6b4 (6A267n)

In iOS7, this worked correctly.

iPhone 4S Simulator 8.0 (12A4331d)

'TestAllHTTPHeaders.zip' was successfully uploaded.

See -> http://cl.ly/3a0Q1k083V0z/download/TestAllHTTPHeaders.zip


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