Screen flicker when setting a maskView on UIVisualEffectView

Number:rdar://18466755 Date Originated:26.09.2014
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:8.0
Classification: Reproducible:Always
When I set a maskView on a UIVisualEffectView instance, which has a blur effect, it renders at the moment of setting the maskView on-screen with a scale transformation. If there are other expensive operations on main queue, this effect is more drastically visible. The latter thing shouldn't happen at all, but is perhaps a helpful information for problem discovery.

Steps to Reproduce:
See the Example App (
1. Run the app on one of the specified devices.
2. Press on the button "Flicker!"
3. See what happens.

Expected Results:
Whole window remains at the same size.

Actual Results:
Whole window is scaled by a positive factor for a moment and then the scaling is reverted.

iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Simulator, iPhone 6P Simulator, iPhone 6P (not tested)
This bug is specific to the "classic" resolution (involving UIClassicWindow) on iPhone 6 / iPhone 6P.


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