Xcode autocomplete does not recognize enum members without the enum name in strongly typed situations (Swift)

Number:rdar://21976034 Date Originated:150723
Status:Open Resolved:No
Product:Xcode Product Version:Xcode 7, beta 4
Classification:UI/Useability Reproducible:Always
Closed as duplicate of 16659653 (Open)
When entering Swift code in strongly typed situations, Xcode's autocomplete does not recognize the member name without first entering the enumeration type name.  Although the compiler allows having just the member name in these situations, autocomplete has to have the enum type name before listing the members.  

It would be a wonderful time saver, it autocomplete would recognize these situations and list the members after typing the ".".

Steps to Reproduce:
//In Swift (playground or .swift file), type:
enum CompassPoint {
    case North, South, East, West
let direction: CompassPoint = .
/*After typing the period, autocomplete should provide the member names.  It acts dumb and doesn't recognize that the member names of type CompassPoint should be provided. */

Expected Results:
After typing the "." above, autocomplete should list all the members of type CompassPoint

Actual Results:
After typing the period, autocomplete acts dumb and doesn't recognize that this is a strongly typed situation and that the member names of type CompassPoint should be provided.

Xcode 7, Beta 4, OSX 10.10.4

This would a tremendous time saver and better align the capabilities of the Swift language with the IDE


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