NSDataAsset(name:bundle:) only works on the mainBundle().

Number:rdar://22254994 Date Originated:12-Aug-2015 03:14 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:iOS 9.0
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Not Applicable
NSDataAsset(name:bundle:) returns nil when run when trying to get data from an Asset Catalog that is not in the mainBundle (for example, an Asset Catalog that is in a Framework).

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a Framework target.
2. Add an Asset Catalog to that Framework.
3. Add a data set to that Asset Catalog.
4. Try to grab the data using NSDataAsset(name: “name”, bundle: NSBundle(forClass: SOME_CLASS_IN_FRAMEWORK.self))

Expected Results:
The NSDataAsset should not be nil.

Actual Results:
The NSDataAsset is nil.

It fails regardless if you are calling from inside that framework or from the app. The framework *can* grab data from an Asset Bundle in the app using NSDataAsset(name: “name”, bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle()).


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