Passwords button in Captive Network Assistant appears to do nothing

Number:rdar://23110725 Date Originated:14-Oct-2015 01:50 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:9.1 beta 5
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
The passwords button on top of the keyboard when editing a field in the Captive Network Assistant will present an Action Sheet that never contains anything but a “Other Passwords…” button. Tapping the “Other Passwords…” button closes the Captive Network Assistant and disconnects from the WiFi.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Connect to a Captive Network
2. In the Captive Network select an input field
3. Tap the “Passwords” button
4. Tap the “Other Passwords…” button in the action sheet that appears

Expected Results:
I would expect to be able to open 1Password, Dashlane or some other password manager.

Actual Results:
Captive Network Assistant is closed, WiFi is disconnected.


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