Network extension stores label but not password

Number:rdar://27638199 Date Originated:01-Aug-2016
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:9.3.3 (13G34)
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Sometimes

Sometimes a protected network handled by a hotspot helper extension will store its label, but not the password provided by the extension.
When this happens, the system will ask for the password when the user taps on the network, instead of connecting automatically.

Steps to Reproduce:
Having a hotspot helper extension installed, handling one or more password-protected hotspots (i.e. setting the password in the reply to kNEHotspotHelperCommandTypeFilterScanList) that are not configured by the phone
1. Open Settings 
2. Go to Wi-Fi
The handled network(s) will show with the label set by the network extension app under the SSID
3. Tap on one of the handled networks to connect to it

Expected Results:
Tapping the network connects to it without asking for password.

Actual Results:
Tapping the network prompts for the password

It seems to happen randomly, seems related to the log entries saying "<Warning>: __37-[WiFiManager beginCaptivePlugInScan]_block_invoke: Error: unable to find (ssid) in _networks"

Reproduced with iOS 9.3.5 (13G36) and submitted Wi-Fi logs


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