Wi-Fi Captive Portal Modal Does Not Respond To Reachability Gesture

Number:rdar://29788014 Date Originated:22-Dec-2016 11:31 AM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:10.2
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
When joining a wifi network in which you have to accept terms to connect (captive portal), the modal view controller that is presented to the user to either accept to reject the terms does not respond to the reachability gesture in which you can double touch the home button to slide the contents of the screen down half way to easily tap elements on the top of the screen.

Steps to Reproduce:
Pre-requisites: setup of locate a captive portal network that requires you to accept terms before connecting

1. Go to Settings → Wi-Fi → Tap on name of captive portal network
2. Observe the modal view controller that is presented asking if you’d like to accept the terms to connect to the network
3. Double touch the home button

Expected Results:
The modal view controller is slid down so it’s origin resides in the center of the screen to provide the ability of touching buttons in the included navigation bar easier.

Actual Results:
The modal view controller is not slid down, but everything behind it is.

This has happened on multiple iOS versions since the introduction of the reachability gesture.

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