Safari crashes on iPhone when closing tab after selection of big part of text

Number:rdar://33671568 Date Originated:August 2 2017, 12:15 AM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Safari Product Version:iOS 8.0 and later
Classification:Crash Reproducible:Always
Safari crashes on iPhone when closing tab after selection of big part of text on iPhone.
Crashlog and video with steps to reproduce are attached.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open Safari
2. Open new tab
3. Go to site with big text block (for example:
4. Select big part of text moving finger to the bottom edge of screen to start autoscrolling (do not release finger)
5. Rotate device in landscape orientation if it is in portrait, or vice versa (do not release finger)
6. Release finger (the page continues to scroll automatically)
7. Close current tab

Expected Results:
The tab is closed, Safari is not crashed.

Observed Results:
Tab is closed and right after that Safari is crashed.

Is reproducible for iOS versions 8.x, 9.x, 10.x on any iPhone.

The bug seems to be in WKWebView implementation. The same issue is reproducible in third-party apps that incorporate WKWebView and allow selection there.

The crash happens on iPhones.
On iPad Safari is not crashed but tab being closed is reloaded instead of closing.


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