Xcode 9: testing apps is slower because of actual installation in simulator on every run

Number:rdar://34467499 Date Originated:15-Sep-2017 11:07 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS + SDK Product Version:Xcode 9
Classification:Performance Reproducible:Always
In Xcode 8, building & running on the simulator almost instantly launched the app on the simulator. No longer in Xcode 9: the simulator seems to simulate the actual installation of the app as it would normally happen on the device. While it is more of a true simulation, this is slowing development down when doing quick change/build/runs: one now has to wait for the installation to finish (a couple of seconds) every time.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Make a change to the code of an app
2. Build
3. Run on simulator

Expected Results:
App launches almost instantly on simulator as it did in Xcode 8

Actual Results:
Installation animation on the app icon taking a few seconds EVERY TIME.

Xcode 9

This worked fine in Xcode 8


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