`MusicItemCollection` does not propagate `MusicItem` decode errors

Number:rdar://FB13430212 Date Originated:2023-11-30
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:MusicKit Product Version:iOS 17.2 Seed 3 (21C5046c)
Classification:Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior Reproducible:Always
I have attached a sample project that contains a custom `MusicItem` type. One might create a custom `MusicItem` type to represent a data type in the Apple Music server API that does not exist in MusicKit.

Many Apple Music server responses consist of a collection of items. MusicKit offers a generic `MusicItemCollection` type with which one can decode server responses.

The issue that the sample project demonstrates is that `MusicItemCollection` does not propagate decode errors thrown by the `MusicItem` type. Instead, it logs the error and then drops the error. This prevents developers from customizing the error handling. Instead, `MusicItemCollection` should propagate the error and let the developer decide what to do with it.


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