Sheet content has stale `@State` values
Number:rdar://FB13455221 Date Originated:2023-12-07
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:SwiftUI Product Version:iOS 17.2 RC Seed (21C62)
Classification:Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior Reproducible:Always
I have attached a sample project demonstrating the use of the `sheet(isPresented:content:)` modifier. The content closure reads an `@State` variable. However, the `@State` variable’s value is stale when the content closure is executed.

This bug is likely related to the fact that the content closure is executed lazily, so a dependency on the `@State` variable is not set up. One workaround is for developers to use a closure capture list to capture the variable by value so that the `@State` variable is accessed during closure creation, correctly setting up the dependency. However, it is quite unfortunate for developers to have to know this. There must be a way that SwiftUI itself can fix this bug.


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