Create Library Playlist request should be made idempotent
Number:rdar://FB13471322 Date Originated:2023-12-15
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:MusicKit Product Version:Web
Classification:Suggestion Reproducible:
The Create Library Playlist request is currently not idempotent. If the request is retried, there may be duplicate playlists. Ideally, the request could be made idempotent.

A common way to make a creation request idempotent is add a unique identifier to the request. The client would generate the identifier and make sure to send the same identifier for all retries of a given request. Then, the server would do the following set of operations in an atomic fashion:
1. Check if an item with the client’s unique identifier already exists. If so, return it.
2. Else, create the item and store the client’s unique identifier along with it.


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