Xcode cannot resolve DocC snippet reference

Number:rdar://FB13482049 Date Originated:2023-12-20
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Xcode Product Version:Xcode Version 15.1 (15C65)
Classification:Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior Reproducible:Always
First, download and open the `swift-markdown` package in Xcode.
$ git clone https://github.com/apple/swift-markdown.git
$ open swift-markdown/Package.swift

In Xcode, invoke Product > Build Documentation. The documentation is built, but Xcode shows many warnings in `swift-markdown/Sources/Markdown/Markdown.docc/Snippets.md`. On every `@Snippet` reference, Xcode warns that `'swift-markdown' doesn't exist at '/Markdown/Snippets’`.

Running the following command succeeds without similar warnings: `swift package --build-system xcode --disable-sandbox preview-documentation --target Markdown --port 8081`.


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