lineLimit(_:reservesSpace:) does not take into account custom line heights

Number:rdar://FB13482808 Date Originated:21/12/2023
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:SwiftUI Product Version:iOS 17.2
Classification: Reproducible:Yes
When using TextField with the `lineSpacing(_:)` and `lineLimit(_:reservesSpace:)` modifiers and setting the `reservesSpace` argument to `true` the height of the vertical TextField does not calculate correctly.

In the following example, the code snippet has the number of lines set to `5` and the `reservesSpace` argument is set to `true`. The expected behaviour here would be that the TextField would be sized to accommodate 5 lines of text. Instead, the TextFIeld only accommodates 2.5 lines of text.

TextField("", text: $text, axis: .vertical)
    .lineLimit(5, reservesSpace: true)

It’s also worth noting which can be seen in the video, that the initial text insertion cursor is massively oversized until you start typing.

Attached is a playground file demonstrating the issue and a video recording.


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