Using "withObservationTracking" on a property from within the class can break any dependent SwiftUI views

Number:rdar://FB13556571 Date Originated:01/22/2024
Status:open Resolved:no
Product:iOS Product Version:17.2
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Yes

Using "withObservationTracking" while referencing one of the properties within the same class completely breaks SwiftUI views that use this observable instance.

Here's a simple example that breaks, where observing the property "count" breaks any SwiftUI View that might be tracking the same property. Attached a sample to reproduce, where tapping `Increment` has no effect until you comment out the function invoking "withObservationTracking". 

The view then behaves properly from that point on.

@Observable class Test {
  var count: Int = 0
  init() {
     withObservationTracking { _ = self.count }
     onChange: { [weak self] in print("Count: \(self?.count ?? 0)") }


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