SwiftUI Table severly hangs on @FetchRequst predicate/sort change (macOS 14.3, Xcode 15.2)

Number:rdar://FB13639482 Date Originated:21.02.2024
Status: Resolved:Open
Product:SDK Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:
Changing nsSortDescriptors or nsPredicate on a simple SwiftUI FetchRequest with lots of simple items (10.000) leads to severe hangs when displaying a SwiftUI Table on macOS.

The performance for the identical setup is OK, as soon as a List is used instead of a table.

1. Open the attached sample project in Xcode
2. Set run destination macOS
3. Run the app
4. Klick the „Add 10000 items“ button
5. Leaving the app in „List“ mode, change the sort order to „Descending“
6. Note the performance: Noticeable pause, but OK
7. Change the app to „Table“ mode
8. Change the sort order back to „Ascending“

- Similar reordering performance as in list
- Severe hangs


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