System Preferences purports to allow "Target Disk Mode" on Apple Silicon but it does not exist and does not work

Number:rdar://FB9865372 Date Originated:1/29/22, 17:57:57 EST
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:macOS Product Version:(12.2)
Classification:System Preferences Reproducible:
System Preferences purports to allow "Target Disk Mode" on Apple Silicon but it does not exist and does not work
FB9865372 — macOS

Basic Information

Please provide a descriptive title for your feedback:
System Preferences purports to allow "Target Disk Mode" on Apple Silicon but it does not exist and does not work

Which area are you seeing an issue with?
System Preferences

What type of issue are you reporting?
Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior


Which preference pane are you seeing issues with?
Startup Disk


Please describe the issue and what steps we can take to reproduce it:
For whatever reason, Apple has replaced “Target Disk Mode” with Recovery mode’s “Share Disk” on Apple Silicon. But System Preferences has not gotten the message and the results are confusing to users.

- A clear description of the problem
(See above)

- A step-by-step set of instructions to reproduce the problem (if possible)
1. Open System Preferences
2. Enter “Target Disk Mode” in the search box. Startup Disk highlights (this is a problem already), see screenshot 17:48:40.
3. There is no option to select Target Disk Mode or even Share Disk. (see screenshot 17:48:53)
4. Selecting “Restart…” again gives no such option (see screenshot 17:49:05).

- What results you expected
Ideally, Startup Disk should allow you to reboot in Recovery mode’s Share Disk.
But if not, it should give instructions on how to access Share Disk for people who are familiar with Target Disk Mode but don’t know how to further proceed.

- What results you actually saw
None of the above. (see step-by-step)

If nothing better can be done, at least searching for “Target Disk Mode” should not return Startup Disk on Apple Silicon machines, as they do not support Target Disk Mode.

Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 17.48.53.png
Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 17.49.05.png
Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 17.48.40.png


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